Source code for attrs_strict._type_validation

import collections
import typing

from ._error import AttributeTypeError, BadTypeError, TupleError, UnionError

[docs]def type_validator(empty_ok=True): """ Validates the attributes using the type argument specified. If the type argument is not present, the attribute is considered valid. :param empty_ok: Boolean flag that indicates if the field can be empty in case of a collection or None for builtin types. """ def _validator(instance, attribute, field): if not empty_ok and not field: raise ValueError("Expected a non-empty attribute") _validate_elements(attribute, field, attribute.type) return _validator
def _validate_elements(attribute, value, expected_type): base_type = ( expected_type.__origin__ if hasattr(expected_type, "__origin__") and expected_type.__origin__ is not None else expected_type ) if base_type is None: return if base_type != typing.Union and not isinstance(value, base_type): raise AttributeTypeError(value, attribute) if base_type in {set, list, typing.List, typing.Set}: _handle_set_or_list(attribute, value, expected_type) elif base_type in { dict, collections.OrderedDict, collections.defaultdict, typing.Dict, typing.DefaultDict, }: _handle_dict(attribute, value, expected_type) elif base_type in {tuple, typing.Tuple}: _handle_tuple(attribute, value, expected_type) elif base_type == typing.Union: _handle_union(attribute, value, expected_type) def _handle_set_or_list(attribute, container, expected_type): element_type, = expected_type.__args__ for element in container: try: _validate_elements(attribute, element, element_type) except BadTypeError as error: error.add_container(container) raise error def _handle_dict(attribute, container, expected_type): key_type, value_type = expected_type.__args__ for key in container: try: _validate_elements(attribute, key, key_type) _validate_elements(attribute, container[key], value_type) except BadTypeError as error: error.add_container(container) raise error def _handle_tuple(attribute, container, expected_type): tuple_types = expected_type.__args__ if len(container) != len(tuple_types): raise TupleError(container, attribute.type, tuple_types) for element, expected_type in zip(container, tuple_types): try: _validate_elements(attribute, element, expected_type) except BadTypeError as error: error.add_container(container) raise error def _handle_union(attribute, value, expected_type): union_has_none_type = any( elem is None.__class__ for elem in expected_type.__args__ ) if value is None and union_has_none_type: return for arg in expected_type.__args__: try: _validate_elements(attribute, value, arg) return except ValueError: pass raise UnionError(value,, expected_type) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2019 Bloomberg Finance L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE -----------------------------------